We understand an unexpected trip to the vet is an emotional time for you and your family and the emergency vet cost may catch you off guard financially. We are committed to discussing your options for the best and most affordable pet treatment for your situation.

Our fees
A vet consultation fee will apply. Our fees are competitively priced and are determined by the running costs and resources needed for your special family members.

Consultations occurring on public holidays will attract a surcharge. Payment is required at the conclusion of the consultation.

Hospital and emergency vet
Please note, a surcharge applies on public holidays.

  • A skilled and experienced emergency veterinarian will perform a full physical exam on your petVet with brown and white dog, at a low cost emergency pet care hospital
  • Your vet will discuss with you their recommended treatment plan for your pet based on the findings of the examination
  • Your vet will then go through details of what you can expect during your pet’s treatment and stay in hospital and answer any questions you may have
  • An estimate of how much any treatment plans discussed will cost will be presented to you
  • Your vet will also provide clinical notes to your primary veterinarian so they are kept up to date about your pet’s health

    You will always make the decisions about your pet’s treatment
    If your pet’s condition includes a hospital stay, you’ll be required to pay a deposit of the estimated treatment cost to the hospital.

Veterinarian with black kitten on phone discussing the vet consultation feeYour veterinary team will discuss any unexpected complications or longer hospital stays with you if they arise and are committed to working within your budgeted limitations.

The remainder of the treatment cost will be payable on the collection of your pet at the end of their stay in hospital.

Your vet will discuss the cost with you before treatment takes place unless it’s an emergency situation.

Payment options
We have a number of payment options available, including:

We are thankful for the amazing team at CareCredit who have considered many of our clients for finance when they are unexpectedly caught without pet insurance to cover the cost of the vet bill.

It’s quick and easy to apply for CareCredit finance. And can be done on the spot with our Client Care Team after deciding your preferred treatment option.

Pet insurance

Unlike humans, pets aren’t covered under the Medicare subsidy program – so we strongly recommend taking out pet insurance to everyone who owns a pet.